Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Security Home & Office - Home Alarm Security, Las Vegas Alarm System Service

Go to http://gplus.to/SecurityHomeOffice to get your free guide "Practical Ways to Burglarproof Your Home". A full color 22 page guide filled with inexpensive ways to protect you, your family and valuables from theft or even harm.

Summerlin Security Home & Office | 625 Blue Yucca St | Las Vegas, NV 89144 | (702) 518-8195

Protect your loved ones. Homes that are protected by a home alarm security system are three times less likely to be broken into than homes without alarm security systems.

Summerlin Security Home & Office home alarm security systems include 24/7 monitored burglar alarms, fire alarm systems, camera surveillance systems, and armed guard response.

Your home is the one place on this planet that you should feel safest. The reason a good home alarm security system can provide that peace of mind is because they actually work.


Basic Statistics about Home Burglaries

No one aims to be the victim of a home invasion, but the reality is that burglaries happen more often than many people realize. Some of the more startling stats surrounding home invasions include:

- The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that a burglary takes place approximately every 14 seconds.
- Over 2 million residential invasions occurred in 2006
- 90% of police state that a burglar alarm helps to deter invasion attempts
- A home without a security system is 2 to 3 times more likely to be invaded
- In roughly 85% of burglaries, the intruder gained access through the victim's residence or other areas not protected by surveillance systems
- Property crime, which includes burglary, makes up more than three-fourths of all reported crime in the U.S.
- Burglaries accounted for an estimated 21% of property crimes in 2005
- The average monetary loss per home invasion in 2005 was $1,725
- Over 65% of burglary offenses were committed within residential structures, many of which were not protected by any type of house alarm
- 62% of residential burglaries in 2005, among those when time of occurrence was reported, took place between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- The number of burglaries increases between 1% and 2% every year


Call Summerlin Security Home & Office at (702) 518-8195 or contact us online to set up your own custom home or business security system.

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